Digital Inclusion

Have a look below at the services we offer to get people connected…

learning digital skills

Digital Inclusion

We are working in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council to support people who are accessing health and social care to become digitally included.

Identified adults in Nottinghamshire will be provided with a Lanova tablet and a pre-loaded SIM with lots of data so they will be able to feel connected to their community, learn new skills, and be more independent. If needed we will be providing a ‘tech buddy’ who will provide more hands on practical support and advice to get people up to the skill level needed.

We are so excited to be part of this movement to enable those who have been digitally excluded to become included.

If you want to know more, or are part of the project and need some support please contact us here

The Legacy Lives On…

Let’s Get Digital

Through partnership working with Royal Mencap, The Good Things Foundation and Digital Unite, we are happy to be delivering a fantastic project connecting people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire to the internet through Lanova tablets and pre-loaded SIMS with lots of data.

Through The Good Things Foundation we are able to provide exceptional online training to develop and learn skills needed for a confident life online.

Those we support can then become Digital Champions through Digital Unite, providing peer support for others who are developing their skills.