How do I access Nottingham Mencap services?

The Care Act 2014 and having an assessment of your support needs.

The Care Act 2014 is the law that sets out how adult social care in England should be provided. It requires local authorities to make sure that people who live in their areas: receive services that prevent their care needs from becoming more serious or delay the impact of their needs.

The Act says clearly that a person will be entitled to have their needs met when:

  • the adult has ‘eligible’ needs

  • the adult is ‘ordinarily resident’ in the local area (which means their established home is there)

  • any of 5 situations apply to them

These are the 5 situations:

  1. the type of care and support they need is provided free of charge

  2. the person cannot afford to pay the full cost of their care and support

  3. the person asks the local authority to meet their needs

  4. the person does not have mental capacity, and has no one else to arrange care for them

  5. their total care and support costs have exceeded the financial cap.

The Act gives local authorities a duty to carry out a needs assessment in order to determine whether an adult has needs for care and support.

For more information you can access the government website or call your local authority

I live in the county and am an adult (18 and over)

If you or your cared for live in the County, you can visit the County Council website to refer yourself/ your cared for, for a needs assessment.

Tel: 0300 500 8080

You live in the county, are supporting a child (under 18)

We’ve had a look through the county website and have a couple of documents/ weblinks which can help:

For information on services and activities for adults and children living in the County you can visit Notts Help Yourself:

Map of Nottingham City

I live in the city and am an adult (18 and over)

PDF document from the City Council:

You live in the city, are supporting a child (under 18)

This page on the City Council website should have all the information you need.

For information on services available for adults and children you can access Ask Lion for those who live in the City:

There are several ways you can access NM services.

Generally, our services are charged for services, so you will need funding to attend. You may fund the activities through your own personal finances, or from financial support you receive from health and social care. People pay for services through personal budgets, direct payments, or health funding, depending on their needs.

The only project where you do not have to pay directly for is our ‘digital inclusion’ project. This is funded through the County Council and is eligible for people who are accessing adult social care and are digitally isolated. If you believe this is you, please contact your social care team for more information.

If you do not receive funding and think that you may be eligible, we have pulled together some information below which may help. Processes are slightly different depending on whether you live in Nottinghamshire, or the City. If you’re not sure your council bin will say ‘Nottingham City’ or the borough you are in. After reading the below, if you are still unsure, please do call us. We’re happy to help if we can.